The Greenwood Wholefood was establish in 2010 for distribute healthy food products in MALAYSIA. We are strategic engage with Teaman Company (Refah Tea) for packing dried Tea. Their factory equipped with modern packing machinery working in the area of packing different kind of tea (natural, mixed with fruit, herbaceous, packed) and food products (sugar, saffron, flour, beans, dried fruit, dried nuts, seeds, rice, spices, etc). Refah Tea is known as first producer of Green Tea in IRAN.

Majlis Kebersihan Blog

Kebanyakan sawang akan dihembus. haha. sori lama tak update, ini kerana masalah pengangkutan ke internet. latop sudah rosak, mana nak buat assigment ni..haha, menjadi persoalan..nak upgrade ram atau bli ja yang baru. nak bli yang baru takda duit. nk ngejaz duit loan bank rakyat tak reti.. terpaksa la padam impian nk bli baru kerana masalah kewangan..hoho

Semperna aku nak bersih sawang ni, aku saja nak cita pasal hobi baru aku ni. main geme kanak kanak. haha. walaupun mudah tetapi makan masa. tajuk FARMVILLE. macam la korang smua xtau geme ni, aku rasa ramai yang main benda alah ni, aku baru ja nak layan. haha. memang ketinggalan zaman btol. haha. tp ada lg kawan2 aku yang ketinggalan zaman.haha. geme ni bes bila boleh beli rumah ka storage ka. klau takbleh bli, bleh tunggang langang satu rumah ni aku buat. haha. amukan yang ganas. lain lain hobi aku setakat sekarang ini adalah tido. memang mengganas bab tido ni. asyik tdo ja smpai tengah hari. aku kt poli tak tdo, jd time ni la aku mengganas mata aku ni. cewaahh, macam xtdo plak kt poli padahal lagi ganas. haha

Apa lagi mau cita hahh? takkan aku nk buat wayang plak kt sini. bleh la aku selitkan tahniah kt stacy sebab bleh masuk ajl final walaupun takbleh menang apa2. aku msj member sekalian suruh tgk stacy, dan tak menang apa2, bertubi2 msj datang ucap takziah dan segala kutukan kt aku..haha. aku mmg enjoy kutukan tersebut sebab orang yang mengutuk tu pn sokong orang yang kalah. jd fair laa. haha. tapi apa pun aku tetap puas hati tgk dia nyanyi smbil nari, memang bes walaupun rambut tu tak bapa nak kena.. tp orite laa.. cuba lagi taun depan..

Hari hari aku kat rumah akan berakhir tak lama lagi sebab nak kena pi blaja lagi. ada lagi satu sem sebelum nk habis, haha. tak sabar ada, takut ada, rindu pun ada. packing baju pun blom, last minit packing memang kegilaanku. jd tunggu la last minit baru packing. aku ingt nak pi awal sehari, tdo dulu rumah member sehari pastu terus dftar. jalan jalan dulu pi shoping kt padang besar ka, murah sket.haha

Setakat ini sahaja untuk hari ini, sekian sama-sama..

Lagi Lagi Tag

Tag dari
Zetty . Terima kasih dan inilah yang sempat dikarang. hoho

1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
aku dulu pernah couple ngan kucing. kucing tu la ex aku. haha

2. Saya sedang mendengar :
degupan jantung sndiri. oh. masih hidup

3. Mungkin saya patut :
mula buat report. sbb dh nk kena antar dah. ayoo

4. Saya suka :
minum air kopi sbb ia menenangkan. haha

5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :
sahabat yang baik sahaja. yang jahat dijauhi. haha

6. Saya tak faham :
kenapa saya patut jawab soalan nombor 1. haha

7. Saya kehilangan :

8. Ramai yang kata :
aku ni cacing. tp tak kot. haha

9. Makna nama saya :
tokoh arab yang terkenal. aku pn xtau

10. Cinta itu adalah :
love. love is cinta

11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
menangisi pemergianku keluar langkawi. haha

12. Saya akan cuba :
minum air kopi sebanyak yang mampu

13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :

14. Telefon bimbit saya :
baru beli. haha

15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
kenapa rasa tidak puas tidonya? hoho

16. Saya paling meluat bila :
orang pijak kaki aku. sakitt wehh

17. Pesta/Parti adalah :
sesuatu yang tak pernah dicuba

18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang pernah saya temui ialah :

19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :
25. sebab aku akan kawin. InsyaAllah. haha

20. Hari ini :
hari jumaat

21. Malam ini saya akan :
buat report, tu pun klau rajin

22. Esok saya akan :
main bola

23. Saya betul-betul inginkan :
pergi korea jumpa sung yu-ri

24. Ketika saya lihat wajah saya di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
hensem jugak aku rupanya. hhaha

25. Pusat Membeli belah atau arked permainan :
surau. -.-"

26. Makanan barat atau Jepun :
jpun walaupun aku xpernah cuba. hoho

27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
terang. lau gelap bleh rabun mata

28. Makanan Segera adalah :
makanan yang dimasak secara segera

29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang :
ooh. shit

30. Siapa yang anda mahu TAG?
* isabella
* nuna
* emora
* awinlalala
* dabuldahi
* fatin amiera
* zigzag putri
* dan lain-lain

sekalung tahniah diucapkan sapa yg kena tag. sekian

Tutorial - How to downloads from [FX]FileXO ?

How to download from

kali ni aku nk bagi tutorial kt korang cm mn nk donlot dari . aku suka doblot dari server nih sbb walaupun donlot sebagai free user pn dapat maintain speed 150+ kbps. donlot tengah malam lg la, 200+ kbps maintain ja. dapat full speed. aku pkai accelerator IDM (Internet Download Manager). klau pakai benda nih, bleh siap resume lg. hoho

ok, pertama skli : masuk ke link.
contohnya :[2009]DvDrip[Eng]-FXG.avi.html . akan kluar seperti gmba bawah.

klik Free Download seperti gamba atas. selepas klik, page akan direct ke page yang lain pada window yang sama. akan klua satu page yang seperti gamba bawah, yang ada tunjuk file info dan countdown sebelum kita mulakan download. Wait 15seconds

kita perlu tunggu selama 15saat sebelum button Create Download Link aktif seperti bawah.

klik pada Create Download Link seperti di atas dan button Generating... akan timbul pada page yang sama seperti gamba di bawah.

tunggu sehingga page akan direct ke page lain selepas itu. dalam kandungan page itu akan menunjukkan direct link untuk download movie tersebut. seperti gamba bawah :

Untuk pengguna yang tidak mempunyai downloads acceleratoe (IDM) boleh klik kanan dan save link as ataupun klik saja pada link dan save file. donlot korang akan start serta merta. haha. Aku rekemen korang pakai IDM supaya apabila connection kita putus atau disconnect. terpaksa kita mula dari awal. tapi, bila kita pakai IDM, kita akan dapat maintain speed, full speed dan mudah untuk resume.

Untuk pengguna IDM, klik kanan pada link itu dan Download with IDM seperti gambar di bawah.

seterusnya, akan kluar popup dari IDM seperti gamba di bawah. Pilih destinasi file, kt mn nak save movie tu, baik set default senang.hoho. ok, kat gamba bawah, akan klua nama file yang di'save' sebagai .asx - Push[2009]DvDrip[ENG]-FXG.asx .

akibat malas aku nk google, apa ke bezanya asx ngan avi, jd korang google la sendiri. tp ni trick sllu aku buat, bila nak save tu. pastikan korang ubah .asx kepada .avi sebab file yang kita donlot adalah .avi , klau kita donlot .mp3, tukar ja blkang tu mp3... rujuk rajah bawah kalau tak paham.

pastu klik Start Download . Walla, biarkan ia berjalan. haha.tgk speed aku dapat, sllu tgh hr dapat speed ciput ja klau dld dr server lain. RS ka, Mu ka. kali ni, single link aku tunggu sejam lebih, dh dapat tgk satu movie highquality . klau donlot waktu tgh malam lg speed memuncak. 200+ kbps . Good Luck. haha


Tag dari
NURUL lagi. thanks yo !

1. Beside ur lips,where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
kt tali pusat. haha. apa punya soalan daa..

2. How did u feel when u woke up this morning?
rasa nyaman.

3. Who was the last person / people you took photo with ?
dengan budak praktikal dan staff airport. haha. dh lama xtangkap gamba

4. Would u consider urself spoiled ?
apa tu? aku xphm. haha.

5. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
ada laaa.. ingt aku cacing cam salleh ka. haha

6. Do you want someone to be dead?
yaa.. ada2, nyamuk yang menggangu kehidupan malam2 ku.

7. What does your last text message say?
haa. ok3, 50 pun boleh. (apa yang 50 ar? lupakan. haha)

8. What are you thinking right now ?
FIFA 2009. haha

9. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
haa. nak3. haha

10. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
5pagi sahaja

11. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
kak aku blikan sebab ada diskaun. haha

12. Is someone on your mind right now?
yea. ada tp berangan ja la

13. Who was the last person who text you ?
DPM ASYRAF - 01249682** ... hahaha. ambk3

14. TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz.
* syafik farhan
* anna (larocka flops)
* eleza
* azreen eisya
* echa
* eyda
* okfind
* zetty
* hamdi
* nik hafiz

1. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
haa.. xtau. ngan aku kot. haha

2. Is no.3 a male or a female?
female laa.. haha

3. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
ni jantan ngan jantan. btpa ? adoi

4. What is no.1 studying about?
dia blaja pasal enzim DNA apa smua tuh. idola dia cikgu kamal. haha

5. When was the last time you chatted with them?
setiap hari. hahaha

6. Is no.4 single?
single but not available. ntah. haha

7. Say something about no. 2.
anna bagus. haha

8. What do you think about no.3 & no.5 being together?
aaa.. pmpuan ngan pmpuan. adoi. adik aku tu. apa nk jd ! haha

9. Describe no.9.
hamdi? seorang jejaka. hoho

10. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
eyda ngan okf? dorang knai pn dak, cmna nk gadoh !!

11. Do you like 8?
suka silih berganti. haha. suka !

12. How about 10?
seorang jejaka juga. haha

[FX] Push [2009] - DVDRip-FXG - Downloads AVI

Tag dari Nurul

tag dari
NURUL . thanks. dan inilah hasilnya.

1. Apakah hubungan awak dan dia? (sesiapa pun boleh)
* stranger

2. 5 impression terhadap dia
* lawa
* cun
* berbudi bahasa budaya kita
* tak reti mengeja. haha
* aku xkenai pn dia

3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia lakukan kat awak
* usya sahaja. ahaha

4. Perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak
* tak pernah ckp pun ngan dia

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan
* terjun banggunan. haha. imposible

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak. awak akan
* musuhku musuhmu juga.adoi

7. Kalau dia kekasih awak. awak akan:-
* terjun banggunan kali ke-2

8. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak... mungkin kerana:-
* aku jahat kot.

9. Overall impression ttg dia:-
* lawa..haha

10. The most desirable thing to do to her/him:-
* cakap pun xpernah. nk buat apa2 lg la. imposible

11. Apakah awak rasa ttg pandangan orang terhadap awak?
* kurang pandai.haha

12. The character/(s) of you for yourself?
* poyo, gila, kurang pandai itu saya. haha

13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
* bijak.hahha

14. The most ideal person you want to be with:-
* sung yu-ri. hahaha

15. For people who like you.. tell sumthing about them:-
* ada ka org sayang aku? klau ada tunjukkan lah kasih sayang korang kt aku. sebelum aku mencurahkan kasih sayang aku kt korang. haha. sekian

16. Ten people you tag:

* hantu 1
* hantu 2
* hantu 3
* hantu 4
* hantu 5
* hantu 6
* hantu 7
* hantu 8
* hantu 9
* hantu-hantu sekalian yang nak ambk tag ni. ambil la. jangan segan silu

17. No.2 ada hubungan dgn siapa?
* dia ada hubungan dengan hantu 5

18. Is no.3 female or male?
* hantu ada jantina ka?

19. If no.7 and 10 have a relationship.
* alhamdulillah. leh dpt anak. boleh perbanyakkan lagi hantu. haha

20. Mcmmane dgn no.5 dgn no.8?
* um. 8+5 jadinya 13

21. No. 4 single kah?
* singlee.. sapa nak? aku bg free

22. No.1 belajar apa?
* belajar mengenai pengunaan tandas

23. Say sumthing about no.9:
* hantu 9 sila tngkap hantu 2

[FX] Naruto Shippuuden Movie 2: Bonds Download AVI

A mysterious group of ninja called the Sora from the Sky Country makes a surprise attack on Konoha. This is because Konoha nearly destroyed the Sky Country during the last Shinobi World War. However, they survived and now are after Konoha and the Fire Country for revenge.

The group starts attacking Konoha, causing mass mayhem, with flying ninjas on winged-mechanical devices bombarding the village. Naruto then appears to help with the battle, until meeting and helping an elder man with a fallen villager. He learns this man is a talented doctor and comes from a neighboring village. The doctor tells him to take the fallen villager to the hospital- then disappears.

At the hospital Hinata and Sakura are both trying to heal the wounded. They begin to talk about how many of the villagers' wounds were previously taken care of before arriving. A boy crashes through the door, looking for his sensei, who is currently in Konoha, that was with him to heal the injured at this village. Naruto comments that he had met the boy's teacher but before he and the boy could talk, he faints in Naruto's arms. Later, Naruto and the old doctor sit beside the boy, named Amaru, and Naruto learns a little of the boy's past.

A 3 man team consisting of Naruto, Sakura and Hinata are sent along to help the boy's village and they accompany Amaru, and Shinno, his sensei, back to the village. The team travel through a forest full of eerie beasts and poisonous animals by small rowing boats down a river to avoid danger. A Sora-Nin suddenly appears, flying over, scoping the area and the group tries to tactfully hide by the riverside. Sakura, Shinno and Hinata glide their boat under overhead trees while Naruto flips his and Amaru's boat- hiding underwater until the Sora-Nin goes. Naruto resurfaces with only Amaru's overcoat in hand. Amaru had dropped his precious scalpel (a gift from his beloved sensei) and accidentally gets caught in the weeds underwater while retrieving it. Naruto dives down into the river then hauls Amaru's body into the boat. While helping Amaru, Naruto notices that Amaru is in fact a "she" due to his feminine figure. Naruto blushes while at the same time, a poisonous piranha-like fish bites him, making him faint. Naruto wakes up a few moments later with Amaru removing the poison from him. Naruto questions Amaru alone and discovers that Amaru is indeed a girl.

Meanwhile at Konoha, the Sora-nin retreat with their dwindling chakra supply (which they need to remain flying). Tsunade sends another special team- Consisting of Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sai and Shino- to look for their base. With a skillful plan by Shikamaru, Sai approaches the ships (which is near the beach) on one of his ink birds to attract attention while Shikamaru and Kakashi hide near the shore waiting for the right time to infiltrate and attack.

At Orochimaru's lair, Orochimaru is now ill because the body transfer jutsu he uses is close to expiration. Kabuto is attending to him and tells Sasuke that the Sora-nin are attacking Konoha to which Sasuke gives an "I don't care" reply. Orochimaru orders Sasuke to get a man who is able to help him perfect his reincarnation jutsu.

Naruto's team finally come into view of Amaru's Village, only to see the tops of all the buildings on fire, smoke billowing overhead. Amaru, in a panic, runs ahead of the team into the closest village gate alone. She cries and runs up a flight of outdoor stairs, trying to find the villagers that had mysteriously all disappeared. She unknowingly triggers a trap that sends hundreds of kunai flying towards her. Saving her, her sensei Shinno steps in and tries to protect her- costing him his life. Naruto, Sakura and Hinata run to the scene but it was too late, Shinno dies because of his wounds. They quickly bury him near the village and the ninja leave Amaru to sulk while they search the near area for the missing villagers.

The three man team splits up. Sakura searches near a misty swamp and runs into Naruto. He points out some large empty ruins in the distance ad they go explore. Naruto and Sakura quietly walk amongst the ruins until they run into Amaru. But this is not Amaru as they know it- they find themselves in front of an evil monster that claims to be a Tailed Beast, the Zero Tails, who feeds on the darkness of human souls and somehow took over Amaru. Sakura proves to be no match for the beast and is knocked unconscious. The creature senses that Naruto has a huge dark energy/power inside of him so it taunts Naruto and tries to make him use that power, saying "He cannot save anyone without it" this makes Naruto remember about his failure in saving Sasuke and is emotionally unstable taking on the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox form, eventually the four tails state. After fighting for a while, he turns back to normal when the seal which Jiraiya gave to Naruto activates and removes Nine Tail's chakra.

Naruto tells Amaru to ignore the darkness in her heart which finally resulted in the beast dissipating. Sakura wakes up in Naruto's arms and punches him - awkwardly. They decided to separate with Naruto going on to look for the villagers with Amaru and Hinata and Sakura going back to get help. Naruto and Amaru run inside a near ruin temple and feel the floor begin to shake. The whole ruin temple, and surrounding ruins emerged from the ground- and began to fly just as the Sora-nin planes. The two find Shinno inside - safe and sound saying something about conquering the world with the power of darkness. Amaru, excited that her sensei is alive runs to hug him, Naruto notices something's not right and Shinno laughs at Amaru for trusting him. Shinno tells that he's been researching on the power of darkness for about 15 years, only using Amaru for her heart of darkness, and he's finally collected enough power to destroy all the ninja villages. He then uses this power to transform into a much stronger version of himself. Naruto charges towards him only to be outmatched again and again, beating Naruto badly.

Fighting, Shinno tries to convince Naruto to use the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's chakra. A emotionally stunned Amaru cries while Shinno and Naruto yell and destroy each other. She begins to think back on her past. When she was small, she suffered from a strange illness. No one tried to help her, fearing that they would be infected. Only Shinno cared for her and managed to cure her. Naruto tells her not to throw her feelings away while the evil Shinno mocks her. He tells her to finally admit her love and feelings to Shinno, causing him to laugh and allowing Naruto to land a hit. Naruto then manages to gain the upper hand in the fight. He was about to finish him off with Rasengan when Sasuke appears and intervenes Naruto's Rasengan with a blast of Chidori. Saskue then explains how Orochimaru needed the knowledge of the man to help with a reincarnation jutsu to Shinno and in return Shinno gives him a scroll. At first Shinno refuses to do anything and tries to defeat Sasuke with dark chakra until he collapses and all his power and muscle drain away suddenly. Sasuke reveals that he had attacked Shinno minutes earlier with Chidori Senbon at his vital chakra points to cut off his chakra flow. Shinno then flees the scene with Sasuke following after him. Naruto tells Amaru to go find the villagers while he goes after Sasuke. He chases after Sasuke through hallways and asks him what he was doing there and how long he had been. They stop in a large, blue-glowing room, in which is a gigantic cocoon that is absorbing dark chakra. Shinno fuses with the cocoon (that happens to be the fetal form of the Tailed Beast, zero-tails) and attacks Naruto and Sasuke with hundreds of tentacle arms and captures them. Shinno tries to absorb their chakra for his own power. With a plan, Sasuke turns to Curse Seal level 1 and releases evil chakra. Naruto catches on to Sasuke's plan and releases a tremendous amount of his Nine-Tailed Demon Fox chakra. The Tailed Beast can not handle so much chakra at once, and the two break free. Naruto then makes a Nine Tail's chakra-infused Rasengan (called the tornado Rasengan) and attacks. The cocoon creature puts up a shield which Naruto and him reach a stalemate. To aid, Sasuke ascends to Curse Seal Level 2 and cuts down the shield thus allowing Naruto to finish off the creature with Rasengan. After that he and Sasuke escape.

In the meantime, Konoha successfully destroys the Sora-nin's boat base (that Sai was fighting) with Shino's insects. Amaru finds Hinata and the villagers in a cell in the flying ruins and frees them all. They all board a flying lifeboat. Amaru scrambles to reach a launching lever, away from the boat but Naruto appears again and orders Amaru to get in the boat- he would take care of the launch. She refuses and Sasuke throws her in by force. As the lifeboat leaves a tentacle appears and tries to grab it but Sasuke cuts it down. Naruto smiles, and also forces Sasuke off the flying fortress with a Rasengan. Naruto says something to Sasuke, but he's too far off in the distance to hear. Naruto remembers what Jiraiya once said to him, that he had the willpower to never give up, he creates hundreds of shadow clones that all start to destroy the ruins with a Rasengan called "Determination". He collapses and falls from the sky after destroying the ruins. Amaru, from a distance, sees Naruto and grabs a pair of Sora-nin wings and goes towards him. Upon reaching him, she hugs him in midair, and they fall together. As they fall Amaru tells Naruto how she will never let him be alone. The next scene shows Gamabunta, summoned by Jiraiya, inflating his stomach to catch the falling Naruto and Amaru.

Later on, Naruto wakes up in Amaru's arms. Sasuke goes back and gives Orochimaru the scroll, who then asks if something good had happened. Sasuke then goes off to train and thinks of what Naruto said, "I'll definitely bring you back to Konoha, Sasuke!"

[DB] Naruto Shippuuden Movie 2 [1A36E311].avi